We pride ourselves on being a classy, professional and inclusive venue for stylish and sophisticated like-minded guests. To help ensure everyone enjoys their time with us as much as possible and to maintain our welcoming, inclusive and exciting vibe, we have to set a few expectations.

Dress Code
The best way to make new friends and encourage a connection is to dress to impress. This means wearing your best “dressy casual”, “dining wear” or “classy nightwear”. Think of what you would wear to a semi-formal wedding, cocktail party, the theatre, a trendy nightclub or a date with someone who expects you to look good.
There are great examples of outfits adhering to our dress code throughout our website including long and short sleeve shirts, business trousers and jackets, cocktail dresses, full suits with ties, leather shoes or clean, dark runners.
While we encourage you to embrace our theme nights by changing into attire that suits the guidelines, it is not mandatory, provided you adhere to the above requirements.
Clothing not allowed outside of specific theme nights include: ripped or torn clothing; work uniforms, gym gear, army camo, onesies, cosplay, swimwear, sleeveless tank tops, offensive t-shirts; light blue denim, tie die or acid wash material; Crocs, sandals, UG boots, thongs, moccasins, dirty sport shoes.
If you are unsure if your clothing passes muster, dress up until you are sure you meet these requirements, or ask us beforehand.
We ask that you treat our staff, performers and guests with politeness and good manners at all times. Respect yourself and those around you by communicating in an inclusive, considerate way. Hate speech, racial slurs, insults and hurtful innuendo are unacceptable.
There is no guarantee that someone you are interested in will have the same feelings for you. Loitering around, pestering, repeatedly approaching someone who has stated they are not interested in you are unacceptable behaviours. No means no. Move away and find another area to experience.
You may close and lock private room doors with permission from everyone else in the room. We ask that you leave doors open when you depart so other know the space is available. Do not open or knock on closed doors.
Smoking and vaping is not allowed anywhere inside the building. You may ask a staff member for a pass out to do these things outside.

Consent is Mandatory
Seeking and giving consent is one of the core communication principles we promote and require you to follow. This goes for spending time with new friends, people you haven’t seen in a while, or if you are hoping to experience something new with anyone.
It is as simple as asking “Would you like me to…?”, “Is it okay if I…?”, “How would you feel if I…?”, or “I would like to…”.
Considerate lovers give their play partners time to think about their decisions, allow them to respond in their personal way and accept the answer no matter what it is. Giving consent can be verbal or non-verbal, and is never implied. A “Yes please!”, “That would be great”, initiating the activity yourself, or a clear, affirmative nod are great ways to show you would like to proceed.
“No thank you”, “I don’t feel like it”, moving away from the person, or shaking your head are clear signs you do not want to continue. No one is obligated to do anything with anyone at any time. You can change your mind at any point without repercussion and your decision is final.
Whether you are new to the lifestyle, returning after a break, or if you are experienced at other venues but do not understand our expectations, we encourage you to discuss the above with our informative staff.
Close up photos and selfies with people you know are allowed in the downstairs area provided you have permission from everyone in them and no one else is visible including performers, staff and anyone else you do not know.
We may ask to see photos and video you have taken at our venue to ensure they conform to these requirements. You may be asked to delete any content containing people who do not give their permission to be recorded.

Responsible Drinking
We reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone attempting to arrive intoxicated. While we monitor how many drinks we serve to each person, it is your responsibility to ensure the amount of alcohol you consume is within your capacity.
If we feel you are becoming disorderly, we will refuse to serve you anything other than water and soft drink. We may ask you to leave if you become unruly or abusive.
Alcohol may not be brought into the venue. Our prices are quite reasonable, we have a great selection and buying from us helps cover the cleaning bill, funds improvements and keeps the lights on, even though they are down low.
Drug Use
We have zero tolerance for anyone found to be using, distributing, selling, or promoting illicit substances at our events. Breaches of this rule may result in you being asked to leave, reported to the police and/or permanently banned.
We strongly advise that you practice safe drinking habits at all events including ours. Be sure to:
– Know what you are drinking and how it affects you
– Stay within the limits of what makes you feel good while remaining in control of yourself and your wellbeing
– Be aware of sudden changes in how you are thinking or feeling
– Take a break from consuming alcohol. Drink soft drink, juice or water instead
– Do not accept open drinks from people you don’t know
– Keep your drink close to you at all times
– Check in with your friends, especially if they look confused, ill or out of control
– Step up and alert staff to anyone you feel may be overly intoxicated or drug affected
– Report any concerns you have to our staff asap on the night so we can address potential issues promptly and thoroughly

Lockout Time
We ask that you arrive before 11pm to help everyone build a repour with other guests and get into the vibe of that night.
Unplanned delays happen from time to time, however, we reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone attempting to arrive after 11pm, regardless of if they have purchased a ticket.
Arrive early to avoid disappointment.
Expectation Breaches
We ask that you report any policy breaches to our staff as soon as they occur so we can address the issue during the event. Feel free to contact us after the event in person, via phone or email if you have no choice, but please keep in mind our ability to resolve the issue and disciplining the offender may be limited depending on how much time has passed.
You may be refused entry, or asked to leave without a refund if you breach these expectations. Severe offences may be reported to the police whom we will give the personal details you provided during the vetting process and your visit.
Play by the rules and you will have an amazing time with us. Break them and you will miss out.